Ubuntu Volume Wheel Problem [ Fix ]
I have a toshiba u305-s5077 laptop.It had a problem with volume wheel like when i tried to use volume wheel it makes the volume iteratively maximize or minimize(And it has no end).While it is happening i cant write anything or i cant click something.That’s why i had to restart X screen with CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE.
I search the internet and i found a solution for it.
At first if it won’t work if you don’t want to kill X screen at least you can use this;
Change your status to text mode via using CTRL+ALT+ {F1-F2-F3-F4-F5-F6}.Then turn back X Screen with ALT+F7.
Lets make it works:
Firstly lets create a backup if it wont work or if something goes wrong we can handle it.
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Flv’den mp3 elde eden bash programi {Converting flv to mp3}
Bash yani kabuk programlamayla alakali basit bir ornek .Bu program basitce icinde oldugu klasordeki butun flv dosyalarini mp3 yapmaya calisiyor.Kodu aciklarsak ilk satir foreach dongumuz butun .flv ile biten dosyalari al her birini $f in icine atip toplam sayisi kadar dondur anlaminda do dan sonra her donus icin yapacagi islemi yazmisiz.Her donuste o donusteki $f degiskeninin icindeki muzigi 128kb audio bitrate kalitesinde mp3’e ceviriyor ve her bir dosya mp3’e cevrildikten sonra konsola echo kisminda yazan yaziyi basar.Assagidaki yazan kodumuzu converter.sh olarak kaydediyoruz.Ve konsoldan
bash converter.sh
ya da
sh converter.sh
deyip programimizi calistiriyoruz.Islem tamam.
span class=”st0″>"$f dosyasi $f.mp3 adi altinda kaydoldu…"
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