
Ubuntu altindaki Supriz Yumurtalar {Easter Eggs}

Nedir bu supriz yumurta ? //

Programcilar gecelerini gunduzlerine katan insanlardir…Iste bu programci kardeslerim bazen yazdiklari kodlarin icine eglencelik zararsiz bazi kod parcaciklari da eklerler…

Bazi ornekler //


1 ) Firefox 3 beta 5 :

Adres satirina about:robots yazin bakin bakalim ne oluyor 🙂

{Intrepid testers using Firefox 3 beta 5: type “about:robots” into the address bar to get a fun page of robotic references }

yada ayni sekilde adres satirina “about:mozilla” yazip enterlayin…

{ Open a Firefox tab or window, and type: “about:mozilla” in the URL field. You will get a message from the book of Mozilla:}

2 ) Gnome Yumurtalari :

Ayni anda Alt ve F2 tuslarina basip cikan yere “free the fish” yazin…Ya da ayni sekilde cikan yere “gegls from outer space” yazin..

{Hit ALT-F2 in your gnome desktop and type ‘free the fish’. Or try ALT-F2 and use ‘gegls from outer space’ for a bit of gnome gaming fun}

3 ) Star Wars : SpreadSheet’i acin ve herhangi bir kutucuga
yazin ve entera basin.

{ Open up OpenOffice.org2 Calc, then enter:
in any cell and press enter! }

4 ) APT :

Terminalinizi acin ve atp-get yazip enterlayin 🙂 Altta “This APT has Super Cow Powers” yazdigini goreceksiniz…Daha sonra alttakileri sirasiyla yazip enterlayin


  1. apt-get moo
  2. aptitude -v moo
  3. aptitude -vv moo
  4. aptitude -vvv moo
  5. aptitude -vvvv moo
  6. aptitude -vvvvv moo
  7. aptitude -vvvvvv moo

{ Anyone who has used a Debian based system is probably aware of APT’s supercow powers. If you type “apt-get” in a terminal and press ENTER, you’ll notice a message at the bottom that says “This APT has Super Cow Powers”. When you type “apt-get moo”, you’ll get a message asking “Have you mooed today?

If you try the same in aptitude, you get the message “There are no Easter Eggs in this program”. Of course, it’s lying! Try a “aptitude -vv moo”, then “aptitude -vvv moo”, increasing the v’s which usually means verbosity. Aptitude will eventually give up and give you an Egg }

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Wednesday, April 30th, 2008 Bash, Linux, OS, Programming Comments Off on Ubuntu altindaki Supriz Yumurtalar {Easter Eggs}